The Torch Lighting Ceremony for the 9th IMG was held on 17th June in Pyongyang, the capital city of DPR Korea. The torch lit from the IMGC Martial Arts Torch Tower will be trans-ignited in the opening ceremony for the 9th IMG to be held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in November this year. Present in the ceremony were Mr. Kim Myong Hun, Vice Premier of the Cabinet of DPR Korea, Prof. Ri Yong Son, President of IMGC, Mr. Kim Myong Gun, Secretary General of IMGC, EB members of IMGC and ITF, martial artists from different parts of the world and officials of diplomatic missions to DPR Korea. After the congratulatory speech by Prof. Ri Yong Son, President of IMGC the torch to be sent to the 9th IMG was lit and transferred to Master Laziz Khasanov, President of the Organizing Committee of the 9th IMG and the Uzbekistan Taekwon-Do Association. In addition Master Laziz Khasanov, President of the Organizing Committee of the 9th IMG and Uzbekistan Taekwon-Do Association, and Dr. Viacheslav Timofeev, IMGC EB member and the President of World Karate Confederation founded by Fritz Wendland made speeches. And then, artistic performance of young children and Taekwon-Do, Wushu and Karate Demonstrations were held.