Oriental is a mixed style of martial arts. The homeland of the style is the Middle East.
Oriental began in Hamadan from the second half of the last century.
Basis for creation of new single combat became ancient Iranian type of fight in the beginning- koshti, martial art- game alak dolak and also, so-called shadow fight.
Soon in Oriental also the main techniques and blows of boxing, karate, the manumission and Greco-Roman wrestling and also judo have entered.
The sport consists of 4 disciplines including has been as a result created: free fight(tactic/wrestling), the mixed fights in means of protection(safe-fight), free boxing(shoot-fight) and complex martial arts(elite-fight).
A group of people interested in the development and popularization of oriental martial arts in world, gathered and created public organization - IOMAF in 2005.
It was officially registered in 2011 in Tallinn, Estonia.
Date of Establishment : 2005
President : Mr. Oleg Rozhkevich (Ukraine)
Headquarter : Tallinn, Estonia
Number of Members : 45
Date of affiliation to IMGC : November 2017
Contact :
Tel: +372 6 08 00 27
Email: [email protected]
Read more : www.iomaf.com